Starting a Ketamine Clinic: A Journey of Professional and Personal Transformation with Dr. Leslie Koenig
Explore the professional and personal growth in opening a ketamine clinic with Dr. Leslie Koenig in this interview excerpt from our podcast.
Why Your Patient Needs Support Between Ketamine Treatments
This blog explores why social and emotional support is important for your patients when undergoing psychedelic ketamine therapy, which reveals deep insights that require integration.
Why Sleep is Important for Your Ketamine Patients and YOU!
You’re probably aware that sleep is important, yet deprive yourself of it most of the time. Your ketamine patients could be sleep-deprived too. In this blog, we are going to talk about why both you and your patients need good sleep in your lives.
How To Perform Transformational Ketamine Infusions: An Introduction
As aspiring ketamine specialists, chances are that most of us are aware of how effective ketamine infusions are in treating mood disorders. However, ketamine should be treated as more than just a medication. Through following the four stages of a ketamine treatment, it can become transformational for your patients as well.
The Importance of Set & Setting During Ketamine Infusions
Learn what “set and setting” is and why you should care about it when running a successful ketamine infusion clinic here!
How To Help Your Patients Integrate After Ketamine Infusions
Ketamine infusions are just part of the entire treatment. Integration is also important for your patients if you want them to experience a truly transformative experience. In this blog post, we talk about what integration is and how you can guide your patients in this matter.
Why Your Patients Should Set An Intention Before Their Infusion
Did you know that there was a study conducted that found that tea intentionally treated by Buddhist monks actually had a positive impact on those who drank the tea? Just like tea, you should also encourage your patients to set an intention before their infusion. Read our blog to learn more.
The 4 Types of Non-Ordinary Experiences Your Ketamine Patients Can Have
Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic, so when you administer ketamine infusions, your patients will have non-ordinary experiences. In this blog post, we’ll talk about these 4 types of experiences which you should be aware of.