4 Ways To Help Your Patient Prepare For A Ketamine Infusion
Learn the four critical techniques to ensure patients are both mentally and physically prepared for their sessions, contributing to the success of their care and your ketamine clinic.
How To Guide Your Patient Through A Difficult Ketamine Experience: A 6-Step Approach
Explore the six steps to help your patient navigate a challenging ketamine infusion experience. Plus learn about the intention setting, integration, and trusting in psychedelic ketamine journeys.
What Specialities Can Provide Ketamine Treatments?
We answer the question, “What medical specialty can provide ketamine treatment” and discuss the key qualities of a good ketamine specialist and the importance of set and setting in the treatment process.
Does your patient need to remember their ketamine infusion experience?
Sometimes your patients may be pressured to have a ketamine infusion go a particular way, or feel the need to remember the experience. They can experience so much and get discouraged that they don’t remember. But does it really matter? Let’s explore this topic and more in this blog!
The 3 Tools You Need To Help Your Patients During A Ketamine Experience
Part of our patient’s treatment is the psychedelic ketamine experience itself. Going through the entire treatment can be quite a journey for your patients; a journey supported by you. In this blog, we talk about what YOU can do to help your ketamine patients in this transformative journey.
How To Perform Transformational Ketamine Infusions: An Introduction
As aspiring ketamine specialists, chances are that most of us are aware of how effective ketamine infusions are in treating mood disorders. However, ketamine should be treated as more than just a medication. Through following the four stages of a ketamine treatment, it can become transformational for your patients as well.
The Importance of Set & Setting During Ketamine Infusions
Learn what “set and setting” is and why you should care about it when running a successful ketamine infusion clinic here!
Why Your Patients Should Set An Intention Before Their Infusion
Did you know that there was a study conducted that found that tea intentionally treated by Buddhist monks actually had a positive impact on those who drank the tea? Just like tea, you should also encourage your patients to set an intention before their infusion. Read our blog to learn more.
How To Help Your Patients Through Challenging Ketamine Infusion Experiences
As a ketamine specialist, you will be dealing with patients who will face negative experiences. There are a few things that you can do to help alleviate their challenges, which we will talk about in this blog post.
The Importance Of Music For Your Ketamine Patients
During ketamine infusions, it’s important to create the right set & setting for your patients. This includes playing the right music, which creates a more positive and transformative experience. Find out why music is so crucial in this blog post.