How to Start a Ketamine Clinic: 3 Key Questions for Emergency Medicine Physicians
Synopsis: Discover 3 essential questions every EM physician should ask before starting a ketamine clinic to help guide your decision and next steps.
Key takeaway: Before diving into the logistics of starting a ketamine clinic, emergency physicians should reflect on three key questions about their career goals, finances, and deeper motivations. These questions will help clarify whether this path aligns with their personal and professional aspirations.
Are You Ready to Open a Ketamine Clinic? Here Are 3 Key Questions to Ask
Thinking about opening a ketamine clinic? It’s an exciting opportunity, especially if you’re feeling ready for something new outside of the ER. Whether you’re burned out, looking to mix it up, or eager to provide life-changing treatments, starting a clinic is a big decision.
Before diving in though, it’s important to take a step back and ask yourself a few key questions, which will help you figure out if this is the right move for you!
Asking the right questions is important in helping you make the ultimate decision of starting your ketamine clinic or staying in the ER.
1. “Do I want to leave the ER entirely or go part-time?”
Ready to slow down? Looking for a way out? Or maybe you’re just looking to mix things up? Whether you want to fully leave practicing medicine or simply diversify your income streams, my advice is not to completely leave EM when starting out. Scale back your shifts, but let those shifts cover the bills. As your clinic grows busier, you can gradually taper down your ER shifts.
Eventually, you’ll face the question again: "Should I stay or should I go?"
You need to be clear on where you ultimately want to spend your professional time. This decision might depend on how long you’ve been practicing EM. Are you nearing the end of your career, or are you just five years in and already tired of the rat race?
When I started, I wasn’t ready to leave the ER. I loved reducing a shoulder, running codes, and the rush of emergency medicine, but I was also tired and burned out. I wasn’t looking for a complete exit, but I knew there had to be something more for me—something where I could apply my skills without being in the pit shift after shift.
2. “Am I ready to finance the upfront cost?”
You’re probably asking yourself, “So how much does it cost to start a ketamine clinic?” If you forced me to give you a number, I’d say $75K-150K. Factors like location, subletting a space versus leasing a clinic, and using savings or retirement funds can all affect the answer.
Unexpected expenses are inevitable. And unlike the ER, where there’s a constant flow of patients, patient volume can be unpredictable in a ketamine clinic. So you can’t rely on cash flow alone to keep the clinic running. I recommend having 3 to 9 months of cash on-hand to sustain your clinic if needed.
One of the great things about emergency medicine is the flexibility—you can adjust your shifts based on your clinic’s needs. If your clinic is slow, pick up some extra shifts or cover those holidays no one else wants for extra pay.
When my wife and I opened our clinic in April 2018, I only performed four ketamine infusions in the first month. Ouch. But I was prepared to weather the storm. I picked up extra shifts, worked holidays, and dealt with the fear that comes with starting a new business. And sometimes, well-meaning family and colleagues questioned my decision. This leads to the third question…
Curious to explore more about the expenses of running a ketamine clinic? If so, check out our “Are Ketamine Clinics Profitable? Part 2: Exploring Expenses” blog post.
3. “Why do I want to start a ketamine clinic?”
Your "why" matters. Let me explain a little more…
To help you answer this question, here are a few reasons you might consider:
"I want to make more money." (Or some version of getting rich.)
"I want out of the ER." (Burned out, tired of working harder for lower pay.)
"I want to transform lives." (Providing science-backed treatments that actually work.)
Which one sounds like you? Maybe none, or maybe a combination. All are valid, but the one aligned with a heart-centered purpose of service to others will carry you through the inevitable storms of running a business. Wanting to make money isn’t wrong, but if it’s your only reason - you might not weather those storms.
After 10 years of full-time ER work, I wasn’t healthy. I felt my spirit dying and knew something had to change. I realized, “You can only give what you have”, so I spent time getting healthy. I traveled, met shamans in the Amazon, walked on fire, practiced yoga and meditation, and deepened my connection to God/Universe/Source.
At the same time, I was reading about ketamine’s antidepressant effects and realized I could apply my medical skills to provide this treatment in my community.
Take time when asking yourself these three questions to give you clarity on the path you will decide on.
Are You Ready to Take the Leap and Start Your Ketamine Clinic?
Starting a ketamine clinic can be an exciting and rewarding opportunity. But it’s not something to rush into. Thanks to our many skills as emergency physicians, there are many different paths we can take outside of the ER.
So by taking the time to ask yourself these three questions, you’ll get a clearer sense of whether this path is the right fit for you. Whether you’re looking to leave the ER entirely, diversify your income, or make a meaningful impact on patients, having clarity on your goals and motivations is key.
Remember, you don’t have to make the decision overnight. Take your time. Reach out if you have any questions. We’re here to support you as you explore this new chapter in your life.
Related Questions:
Can I still work in the ER while starting a ketamine clinic?
Yes, it’s advisable to continue working part-time in the ER to cover bills while you scale your clinic. As your clinic grows, you can reduce your shifts gradually. Ultimately though, it’s up to you and your finances for when you should completely leave.
How much upfront cash should I have to sustain my ketamine clinic?
We recommended having 3 to 9 months of cash reserves on hand to cover any unexpected expenses and sustain the clinic through slower months.
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