3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Open A Ketamine Clinic
Should You Open A Ketamine Infusion Clinic? Maybe Not.
Being an entrepreneur sounds really amazing doesn’t? Saying you own your business, not to mention a ketamine infusion clinic lets people know you are innovative and cutting edge. The fantasy of owning a clinic can sometimes blind you from the realities of actually running one. There is a clear distinction between running and owning a business, and at first you will be doing both which can be stressful and expensive.
So before you apply for a small business loan or take money out of your 401k to start this clinic lets go over a few reasons why you should not start a clinic. If any of these reasons are your main driving reason to start, then you may want to reconsider.
If you want to start a ketamine clinic, don’t expect to make a profit during the first few months or years.
Reason #1: You Want To Make Money & Make It Fast
Like any business, it takes time to make money. If you currently own or have previously owned a private practice, you’ll already understand this concept. You have to spend money to make money, whether that is spending your own personal money, a friends or family’s money, or a bank’s money. Until you are able to pay it back, none of that money you see coming in is going into your own personal bank account. Before you even get to repay your debts, if any, you need to pay your ongoing business expenses (rent, staff wages, supplies, taxes, etc.). You actually make money faster working more shifts or seeing more patients in your “regular doctor job.” It can take months to years to earn an income from your ketamine clinic.
Does treating patients burn you out? If you own a ketamine clinic, you need to be prepared to deal with patients with mood disorders and chronic pain.
Reason #2: You Are Burnt Out But You Still Want To Make Money As A Doctor
In our “Why You Should Start A Ketamine Clinic” blog we included burnout as one of the reasons to own a clinic, but that is burn out with the traditional healthcare system. However, if you are burnt out dealing with people, and patients in particular, then opening up a ketamine treatment center may not be for you. In particular, if you don’t like taking care of patients who are battling a mood disorder or dealing with chronic pain. You are not putting people to sleep. They are awake (altered, yes) but you will interact with them before, after, and during the infusions multiple times. They may feel overwhelmed or scared and you’ll need to be emotionally present. You will need to answer their questions and concerns when the infusions are not meeting their expectations. If you are not mentally or emotionally prepared to care for “difficult patients” or “difficult people” then this may not be for you.
Eventually, you may be able to get around the whole patient interaction aspect, but then again you may want to ask yourself whether you really want to practice medicine? There will be potentially a lot of time between when you first open your ketamine clinic to when you are able to hire people to do it for you. The more people you hire the less work you may personally have to do in the clinic, however hiring medical staff costs money and with it your salary.
Do you want to become a ketamine clinic just so you can finally call yourself an entrepreneur?
Reason #3: Being An Entrepreneur / Business Owner Sounds Cool To You.
You don’t want to be like the next guy trading time for money, working more shifts, seeing more patients. You’d like to be sipping Mai Tai’s on a sandy beach, raking in the dough, and still be able to call yourself a doctor. Well here’s the thing, yes all that’s possible...BUT and it’s a big BUT...that won’t be happening anytime soon with opening, owning, and operating a ketamine clinic. If that is the life you ultimately want then that’s fine, but opening up a ketamine clinic takes time and patience. Most businesses fail in the first year and if you aren’t ready to put time and energy into running a business, your business will fail and then there goes your coolness factor.
Final Thoughts - Don’t Go Into The Ketamine Business For Prestige Or For Money
In summary if you are a money hungry, people-hating, wantrepreneur* then don’t open a ketamine infusion clinic or honestly any service-based business. Check out financial investing, drop shipping, or real estate investing, anything that doesn’t involve care of patients and delivering personal service. All this being said, if the above reasons don’t apply to you, well then we welcome you to join us in providing ketamine infusions which will transform patients’ lives.
Do you have a more compelling reason to open a ketamine clinic?
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*According to the Urban dictionary “A wantrepreneur is “someone who thinks about being an entrepreneur or starting a business but never gets started.”
Discover strategies to overcome slow growth in your ketamine clinic by reconnecting with your passion and turning challenges into opportunities.