How To Prioritize When Starting A Ketamine Clinic
When we speak with physicians who want to start a ketamine infusion clinic, often they express a sense of overwhelm. They are overcome by the amount of things they need to do to both start the private practice and master the actual delivery of the ketamine infusion. Often, they don’t know where to start or they feel there are just too many things to do to actually begin.
While we do have a proven roadmap and system to teach physicians how to start and open their ketamine clinic, the reality is we always have a lot to do. There’s personal life with the kids and significant others, errands and so much more. You also have to consider the things you need to do to transition out of your current job. The lists are never ending.
In this blog we have a tool, or rather exercise, to clarify what needs to get your ketamine clinic open. It is the brain dump. Grab a notebook, a pen, and read on to find out how this can help you get your clinic up and running.
To do a brain dump, write all your tasks down and select the top 20% that would make the greatest impact on getting your clinic open.
How To Clear The Mind Through A Brain Dump
The overwhelm you feel comes from having a mind filled with way too much to do. So the idea is to completely dump out the contents of your brain. Write down all the tasks on paper, prioritize, and get on with your life. Let’s look at each step:
Step 1: Get a notebook and write down every single thing that's on your mind. Not only the things related to starting your ketamine clinic, but also the personal things, no matter how big or small they are. Some things you may write down are “walk the dog”, “buy milk”, “decide on clinic name”, etc. Remember to include EVERYTHING that is on your mind, so that includes your worries and concerns too. The key is to clear out your mind. Do this uninterruptedly for at least three to five minutes.
Step 2: After you’ve written down everything, circle the items that you can directly control and influence. For example, if you wrote down on your list that you’re worried because the price of eggs is going up, don’t circle that.
Step 3: Count the number of circled items. Then you are going to utilize the "80/20 principle" - where 20% of our actions will create 80% of the results. You’re going to pick out the 20% of the circled items that will make the greatest impact for you today. Let's say you circled 10 items in the previous step. Now, pick just the top 20% that will make the most difference today, which will be 2 in this case.
Step 4: Take massive action on those 20% items! Focus and work on only those 20%. Ignore all of the other ones, and once you’ve completed them, you can then move on to the other items you have influence and control over.
When you prioritize, you create space and ease in your mind.
Your Clinic Hasn’t Opened Because You Are Not Prioritizing
A brain dump is a great way to empty the mind and create space to prioritize what is important and most impactful for your life.
What’s really powerful is identifying what you actually have control over and identifying the 20% of those items that will get you 80% of the results. You are giving yourself the opportunity to take a straightforward look at all the things that have been floating around in your mind..
In the act of taking time to write down all your thoughts, you may find that directly working on the clinic isn’t what you need to do that day. It might actually be making a dental appointment for yourself or meditating.
Self-care and getting your personal life in order may actually be what you need to then create the energy and focus to work on your ketamine clinic. And that’s okay. When you first start your clinic, you are the center of your clinic. So taking care of you is actually taking care of your business.
Clarity and focus are important when you start your ketamine clinic. Sometimes what is best is to take care of your own mental and physical health. At other times, it is sitting down and scheduling a call with a business attorney to start off your private practice right. Whatever it may be, being clear on what you need in the moment is key, and that’s where the braindump can help.
When you learn to prioritize your tasks, you can become less anxious and take more steps towards opening your ketamine clinic.
It’s Better To Fail Than To Never Try
Sometimes – and we’re speaking from personal experience, plus what we’ve witnessed in others – is that we can make things difficult for ourselves.
We do this so that we don’t actually have to take action on what really needs to get done. Making a formidable list of to-do’s in your mind can help you avoid failure. If you never start, you never fail.
It takes a lot of courage to leave a salary and start a business. Embracing the fear and taking action in starting your clinic takes inner strength and grit.
So if you find yourself caught up in the monkey-mind madness of thing after thing to do…consider doing a brain dump. Your mind may want to prevent you from failing, but your heart and soul are ready to take action. Use the brain dump exercise to get yourself on track and start your clinic.
Are you ready to begin prioritizing and start taking action on your ketamine clinic? Join our email list and be notified about the next free webinar and open registration for Ketamine StartUp.
Related Questions
What are the essential steps to take or advice you have when transitioning from a current job to starting a ketamine infusion clinic?
While there are many key steps, from our experience, the following are essential to transition from a salaried physician to ketamine clinic owner: be clear on your “why” and motivation to start the clinic, know how much money you personally need to cover your expenses, and don’t leave your current job until you have stability with running your clinic. The last two pieces of advice are key. Knowing how much money you need to live your life and take care of your household, helps you determine the point in which you can leave your current job.
How can I balance my personal life and the responsibilities of starting and managing a ketamine infusion clinic while ensuring my own well-being?
At first, the line blurs between personal and professional life even more when you start your own ketamine clinic. Especially if you are doing it yourself. A key thing to remember (and we are speaking from personal experience) is since you are essentially your business, your well-being, both physical and mental, are directly tied to your ketamine clinic. To assist in your well-being, you need to prioritize. Just like we discussed in this blog!
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